March 8, 2025

[image: image.png] opening thoughts: Alicia Keys used a speech at the Grammys to defend diversity saying: “DEI is not a threat, it’s a gift.”
*poet marilyn nelson **is an American poet, translator, biographer, and children’s book author. She is a professor emeritus at the University of Connecticut <>, and the former Poet Laureate of Connecticut <>.[1] <> She is a winner of the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize <>, the NSK Neustadt Prize for Children’s Literature <>, and the Frost Medal <>. *

*Nelson was born on April 26, 1946, in Cleveland <>, Ohio <>, to Melvin M. Nelson, a Tuskegee Airman <> and a U.S. serviceman in the Air Force <>, and Johnnie Mitchell Nelson, a teacher and pianist. She grew up on military bases and moved all across the United States throughout her childhood. She began writing while in elementary school, yet discovered her love for poetry while attending a segregated middle school in Texas <>. Here, she was introduced to the work of African-American poets.[6] <>Tuskegee AirfieldFor the Tuskegee Airmen*
These men, these proud black men: our first to touch their fingers to the sky.
The Germans learned to call them Die Schwarzen Vogelmenschen. They called themselves The Spookwaffe.
Laughing. And marching to class under officers whose thin–lipped ambition was to wash the niggers out.
Sitting at attention for lectures about ailerons, airspeed, altimeters from boring lieutenants who believed you monkeys ain’t meant to fly.
Oh, there were parties, cadet-dances, guest appearances by the Count and the lovely Lena.
There was the embarrassing adulation of Negro civilians. A woman approached my father in a bar where he was drinking with his buddies. Hello, Airman. She held out her palm. Will you tell me my future?
There was that, like a breath of pure oxygen. But first they had to earn wings.
There was this one instructor who was pretty nice. I mean, we just sat around and talked when a flight had gone well.
But he was from Minnesota, and he made us sing the Minnesota Fight Song before we took off.
If you didn’t sing it, your days were numbered. “Minnesota, hats off to thee…” That bastard!
One time I had a check-flight with an instructor from Louisiana. As we were about to head for base, he chopped the power.
Force-landing, nigger. There were trees everywhere I looked. Except on that little island… I began my approach. The instructor said, Pull Up. That was an excellent approach. Real surprised. But where would you have taken off, wise guy?
I said, Sir, I was ordered to land the plane. Not take off. The instructor grinned. Boy, if your ass is as hard as your head, you’ll go far in this world.
part one: .minocquabrewingcompany <> we chat with Kirk Bangstad
We’re basically a company that sells beer and increasingly other types of beverages to fund our progressive activism in Wisconsin.
Kirk Bangstad and his late wife, Elizabeth Smith, purchased the business in early 2016 from the Dan and Laurie White family who ran the business for just over 10 years. The historic 1929 Free Mason’s building was renovated from to a school, library and then a church before transforming to a restaurant and Brewery in the early 2000’s.
After the coronavirus shut down all restaurants in March, 2020, and the Trump administration failed to have a national plan to slow down contagion and the restaurant industry suffered unnecessarily by having to limiting capacity longer than necessary, Bangstad aired his frustrations by hanging a huge “Joe Biden for President” sign on his wall after having to lay off his entire restaurant staff.
That stance alienated many conservatives in his area but endeared him to progressives around the country, leading him to decide to sell #ProgressiveBeer. His first two efforts, Biden Beer (Inoffensive and not Bitter) and Inauguration Day Beer (A Peaceful Transition of Flavor), sold out before they were even made.
Bangstad sold his building to hedge against Covid and is currently focused on selling #ProgressiveBeer nationwide.
Bangstad also created the Minocqua Brewing Company SuperPAC, which he calls “Dark Money Meant for Good.” This super PAC aims to remove Republican federal and state elected officials who perpetuated the election lies that caused the Insurrection of January 6, 2021, and whose downplaying of the seriousness of Covid 19 caused so many unnecessary deaths in our country.
A percentage of the profits of our progressive beer and Choice products are donated progressive causes and reproductive rights groups, respectively.
part two:
opening thoughts part two:Musk’s Junta Establishes Him as Head of Government Imagining how we’d cover overseas what’s happening to the U.S. right now
Garrett Graff (Garrett Graff is an American journalist and author. He is a former editor of *Politico <> Magazine*,[1] <> editor-in-chief of *Washingtonian <>* magazine in Washington, D.C., and instructor at Georgetown University <> in the Master’s in Professional Studies Journalism and Public Relations program.) Feb 1
<> <…> <…>I’ve long believed that the American media would be more clear-eyed about the rise and return of Donald Trump if it was happening overseas in a foreign country, where we’re used to foreign correspondents writing with more incisive authority. Having watched with growing alarm the developments of the last 24 and 36 hours in Washington, I thought I’d take a stab at just such a dispatch. Here’s a story that should be written this weekend: <>
*Musk Junta Seizes Key Governmental Offices. February 1, 2025. By William Boot *
*WASHINGTON, D.C. — What started Thursday as a political purge of the internal security services accelerated Friday into a full-blown coup, as elite technical units aligned with media oligarch Elon Musk moved to seize key systems at the national treasury <>, block outside access to federal personnel records <>, and take offline governmental communication networks <…>. **With rapidity that has stunned even longtime political observers, forces loyal to Musk’s junta have established him as the all-but undisputed unelected head of government in just a matter of days, unwinding the longtime democracy’s constitutional system and its proud nearly 250-year-old tradition of the rule of law. Having secured themselves in key ministries and in a building adjacent to the presidential office complex, Musk’s forces have begun issuing directives to civil service workers and forcing the resignation of officials deemed insufficiently loyal, like the head of the country’s aviation authority <>.*
The interview:
To Pay for Trump Tax Cuts, House GOP Floats Plan to Slash Benefits for the Poor and Working Class A menu of options being circulated by congressional Republicans also includes new tax cuts for corporations and the ultrawealthy.
Robert Faturechi I am a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter at ProPublica.Currently I am reporting on President Donald Trump’s business interests, including Trump Media. I’m also examining the Trump administration’s trade policies.
Listen online at Listen anytime to the podcast at <>–Politics-Podcasts/Attitude-with-Arnie- <–Politics-Podcasts/Attitude-with-Arnie-Arnesen-p1711842/> Arnesen-p1711842/ <–Politics-Podcasts/Attitude-with-Arnie-Arnesen-p1711842/> Attitude with Arnie Arnesen,Alicia Keys, DEI, Grammys, Marilyn Nelson, Tuskegee Airmen, Minocqua Brewing Company, Kirk Bangstad, Wisconsin beer, progressive politics,Garrett Graff, Musk, Junta, Trump, tax cuts, Propublica, Robert Faturechi,Congress, GOP