September 18, 2024
[image: Freedom-to-Vote-John-Lewis-Act-2025.png] The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for Aug. 26, 2024 Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said during the Democratic National Convention that he would make passing the Freedom to Vote Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act a 2025 priority. But THAT requires Democratic majorities in the House and Senate – AND fixing the filibuster.
In greater Concord, NH hear ADM on <> just before 11 AM Eastern M-F, or ask your smart speaker to “Play the American Democracy Minute Podcast.”
🎧 90-Sec. Listen, 📖 Read, 🔗 Resources 📣 Groups in Action
📻 Broadcast File: Pacifica Radio Network’s Audioport <> and PRX <>