March 2, 2025

[image: FL_DeSantis_Congressional_Map_Dilution_Black_Voting.png] The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for Dec. 6, 2023 A North Florida Congressional district map pushed by Governor Ron DeSantis which diluted Black voting power, was upheld by a Florida appeals court December 1st. The 10-judge panel ruled that plaintiffs didn’t prove the map violated Florida’s constitutional amendment prohibiting racial gerrymandering.
In greater Concord, NH hear ADM on just before 11 AM Eastern M-F, or ask your smart speaker to “Play the American Democracy Minute Podcast.”
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📻 Broadcast File: Pacifica Radio Network’s Audioport and PRX Tags: Appeals Court, Fair Districts Amendments, Florida, Gerrymandering, Legislature, Majority Minority, redistricting, Ron DeSantis, Supreme Court, Voter Suppression, Voting Rights Act