Ancient and Modern #131 Adams/Andreissen
Louis Andriessens’ M is for Man, Music, Mozart was written in 1991; for a BBC/Dutch TV production called “Not Mozart”;
The 7 sections are The Alphabet Song; Instrumental I; The Vesalius Song; Intrumental II; The Schultz Song; Instrumental III; The Eisenstein Song
John Adams: Shaker Loops John Adams attended Concord High The loops are named: Shaking and Trembling; Hymning Slews; Loops and Verses; A Final Shaking
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Louis Andriessens’ M is for Man, Music, Mozart was written in 1991; for a BBC/Dutch TV production called “Not Mozart”;
The 7 sections are The Alphabet Song; Instrumental I; The Vesalius Song; Intrumental II; The Schultz Song; Instrumental III; The Eisenstein Song
John Adams: Shaker Loops John Adams attended Concord High The loops are named: Shaking and Trembling; Hymning Slews; Loops and Verses; A Final Shaking
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