January 17, 2025

The Attitude with Arnie Arnesen streaming live at wnhnfm.org, noon Eastern time The Week in Rewind: NH Business Review Editor Jeff Feingold Civic Scholar SNHU, blogs at nhpoliticalcapital.com Dean Spiliotes Political Science Professor Wayne Lesperance Topics: Bernie in NH …to run or not to run for President (so what do you think?) Adultery is still illegal in NH…what is that about? Walgreen under intensifying pressure to leave Illinois for tax advantage in Europe Jeb Bush said that illegal immigration was not a felony but instead often an “act of love” Terrorists, Turtles and un paid Taxes…ask about Cliven Bundy http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2014/0413/Nevada-range-fight-revives-Sagebrush-Rebellion Sebelius’ Exit Death Penalty and the NH Senate