February 23, 2025

The Attitude with Arnie and Susan streaming live Noon Eastern at wnhnfm.org Part one: John Kuhn, superintendent of the Perrin-Whitt Consolidated Independent School District discussing his new book: Fear and Learning in America A great quote from John: “The poorest Americans need equity, but our nation offers them accountability instead. They need bread, but we give them a stone. We address the soft bigotry of low expectations so that we may ignore the hard racism of inequity. Standardized tests are a poor substitute for justice.” Part two: Citizens for Tax Justice: Why Does Pfizer Want to Renounce Its Citizenship? http://www.ctj.org/taxjusticedigest/archive/2014/04/pfizer_is_a_bad_corporate_citi.php#.U3NXK61dXPY Another corporate moocher skips town. http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/pfizer-corporate-tax-skips-town Arnie Arnesen host of the Attitude follow on twitter @pchowder Susan Bruce in house blogger follow susanthebruce.blogspot.com