March 2, 2025

[image: image.png] *the thanksgiving day show:* *CONSTITUTIONAL ATTORNEY CHANGES INTO DRAG DURING TALK ON CANCELATION OF WEST TEXAS A&M DRAG SHOW* *NUGGET: For those who have been following it, the saga of the banned drag show fundraiser at West Texas A&M took a new twist on Wednesday when Andrew Seidel <>—a constitutional lawyer, RD senior correspondent, and vice president of strategic communications for Americans United for Separation of Church and State—paid a visit to West Texas A&M to give a supportive address to the student groups fighting the ban.* listen online at Listen anytime to the podcast at <> Attitude with Arnie Arnesen,, Andrew Seidel, separation of church and state, first amendment, drag shows, West Texas A&M, the Supreme Court, White evangelical christians, religious freedom, power and privilege, Christian nationalism