[image: AZBallotPrinting12News.jpg] The 2022 Midterm elections had few problems around the country, but we...
Brian Beihl
[image: KevinMcCarthyCLF.png] ADM for January 9, 2023 – You’ve likely heard that Kev “The...
[image: NVYeson3.jpg] This week, we’re making predictions on what state democracy legislation we’ll see...
[image: MA_votebymail.jpg] Photo: Robin Lubbock/WBUR While many states implemented intentional barriers to voting and...
[image: AZfinchem-lake.jpg] The January 6th committee criminal referrals for former President Donald Trump may...
[image: CREWSamBankmanFried.jpeg] American Democracy Minute for Thursday: Recent revelations from a disgraced cryptocurrency CEO...
[image: MoorevHarper.png] December 7, the U.S. Supreme Court hears oral arguments in Moore vs....
🎧 Listen! Part 1:We talk with Michael Mitchell of the Groundwork Collaborative, about how...
[image: ITriedtoVote.jpg] We’ve been spending time this week on the origins & outline of...
[image: NCVOTER_ID.jpg] Here’s a fascinating case from North Carolina that you’ll hear more about...
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