March 2, 2025

[image: image.png] While our governor and others like to crow about a bogus right-wing think tank ranking NH #1 for “freedom’, (CATO) it’s worth noting that abortion rights are absent from its list of “personal freedoms”. Hard to be “free” when elected officials restrict a fundamental right. tweet by John Meuse rethink the week talkers: *Rick Newman* is a former New Hampshire State Representative and Portsmouth City Councilor. lobbies for small businesses *Dave Levinthal* leads Raw Story’s newsroom as editor-in-chief *Stephen Pimpare* is a Senior Fellow at the Carsey School of Public Policy at the University of New Hampshire topics: CATO and Sununu and Women’s Bodily Autonomy a nationwide abortion ban will be on the ballot in 2024 Fascism v Democracy does anyone care Moms 4 Liberty lost across the country Evangelicals for Israel Rev John Hagee Supreme Ct ethics problems have not gone away Gaza, Hamas, Palestinians, Israel, Bibi…a challenge to free speech Dems divided on Palestine listen online at Listen anytime to the podcast at <> Attitude with Arnie Arnesen, Cato Institute Freedom Index, NH, Chris Sununu, abortion, Stephen Pimpare, Rick Newman, Lincoln Mitchell, Dave Levinthal, Facsim, Democracy, Speaker Johnson, Evangelicals, Christian Nationalists, M4L, Rev. John Hagee, March on Washington, Supreme Court, Palestine, Hamas, Gaza, Isreal, Bibi