February 22, 2025

[image: image.png] LA CORRIDA (the bull fight) by Aideed Medina
It is dawn always dawn the sun breaking through the breaking of the soil. The faint smell of rain from irrigated dirt crusts of mud from the crop rows comes home with my father on his pants and beneath his fingernails. He must change out of his work clothes in the garage. His jeans socks shirts contaminated by pesticide residue are washed separately from the rest of the family laundry…. part one: Houston Chronicle Columnist CHRIS TOMLINSON Texas Republicans crack down on freethinkers at state colleges, risk a brain drain Texas lawmakers are targeting colleges and universities in thenext culture war battle, putting our most vital economic drivers at risk. part two: Bill Curry was a Connecticut state senator, comptroller and two time Democratic nominee for governor who served as Counselor to the President in the Clinton White House. He has written for Salon, the Daily Beast, the Huffington Post and the Hartford Courant and has provided commentary on National Public Radio, MSNBC and many other news outlets. Aaron Rosenthal is the research director for North Star Policy Action topics: It’s the Corruption, Stupid Ezra Klein interviews Rahm Emanuel A Gang of Gangsters but their incompetence may be our guard rail or a minefield Listen online at www.wnhnfm.org/live. Listen anytime to the podcast at www.podomatic.com/podcasts/staff74238 <www.podomatic.com/podcasts/staff74238> podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/attitude-with-arnie-arnesen/id1634055179 tunein.com/podcasts/News–Politics-Podcasts/Attitude-with-Arnie- <tunein.com/podcasts/News–Politics-Podcasts/Attitude-with-Arnie-Arnesen-p1711842/> Arnesen-p1711842/ <tunein.com/podcasts/News–Politics-Podcasts/Attitude-with-Arnie-Arnesen-p1711842/> Attitude with Arnie Arnesen.La Corrida,Aideed Medina, Houston Chronicle, Chris Tomlinson, Higher Ed, Bill Curry, Aaron Rosenthal, Rahm Emanuel, Trump, cabinet, guard rails *KEEPING THE POT STIRRED SO SCUM DOESN’T RISE TO THE TOP* – Anonymous