September 19, 2024
[image: image.png] opening with a reading from *Sulwe* by Lupita Nyong banned children’s book # 4 rethink the week from the war on public education to train derailment to 2024 talkers:
*Stephen Pimpare * is director of the Public Service and Nonprofit Leadership Program at the University of New Hampshire.
*Laura Jedeed *is a freelance journalist who primarily focuses on the American conservative movement. Her bylines include The New Republic, Rolling Stone, and New York Magazine.
*Robert Hennelly* Award-winning investigative journalist… Currently Robert writes for and,author of Stuck Nation, morning host on WBAI on Monday mornings
> Broadcast of the attitude will be on at 12 noon and > rebroadcast at 7pm ET or on the dial 94.7FM > listen online at >
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