February 23, 2025

This week, we welcomed back singer-songwriter Chris Peters, who is learning to master the 3-minute tune (it’s harder than it seems). If you catch this podcast, the second song of his set (forgive me for fogetting the title….so many buttons and knobs in front of me blinking and shouting for attention) . Anywho, it had a great beat and Chris knocked it out on guitar (can only imagine what is sounds like with a full band). All this going on while comedian Jay Grove, watching through Studio B’s sound-proof window, was trying to get our producer Fred Richard’s attention. Grove hanging there with “The Complete Unknowns,” otherwise familiar as Morgan Murdough and Joe Cobb from Henniker. Lots of good music comes out of 89. Lots….and Joe and Morgan are two of the best. Check em’ out. Later, Jay Grove comes on and kills it, insisting on badgering the producer, who just trying to work a massive knot out of his lower back (yoga calls). The Godfather, as the staff at GSM like to call Grove, does a great job, makes everyone laugh, leaves on a high note, listening to “The Complete Unknowns” rolling out some deep harmonica blues and slow summertime-like guitar.