March 3, 2025

[image: image.png] Suffolk University poll of 500 likely Iowa GOP Caucus voters: Trump 54 Haley 20 DeSantis 13 Ramaswamy 6 Part One: Scott Braddock Editor of the Quorum Report *- The Retribution primary in Texas with Abbott and Paxton going hunting for Republicans who pissed them off * *- Will there be yet another special session of the Legislature on private school vouchers * *- Will abortion be center stage in the race to challenge Sen. Ted Cruz * part two: Bill Curry an American lawyer and politician and Laura Jedeed is a freelance journalist Florida school district removes dictionaries from libraries Christie just bowed out of the presidential primary…reading the tea leaves Trump argues: “Can’t be impeached cause U haven’t been convicted of a crime & can’t be convicted of a crime cause u haven’t been impeached” Exclusive: Charles Koch Has Given More Than $5 Billion Of His Stock To Two Nonprofits 2023 Word of the Year Is “Enshittification” Listen online at Listen anytime to the podcast at <> Attitude with Arnie Arnesen, Iowa poll, caucus, Scott Braddock, Governor Abbott, Ken Paxton, TX GOP primary, vouchers, impeachment,abortion, Ted Cruz,Bill Curry, Laura Jedeed, Libraries, Dictionaries, banned books, Florida, DeSantis, Cory Doctorow, Enshiiification, Koch Network, Nikki Haley, Impeach, conviction, Trump