February 23, 2025

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Sara Persechino tweet: My kid has a friend coming over for a playdate for the first time. Their parent asked these questions that we should all ask: “Do you have any guns in the house? If so, how are they stored? Do you expect anyone outside your family at your house?” https://twitter.com/SaraPersechino/status/1663880396382126084 Part One: We need an economic bill of rights. Professor Mark Paul Part Two: The Supreme Court just shriveled federal protection for wetlands Professor Albert Lin listen online at www.wnhnfm.org/live Listen anytime to the podcast at www.podomatic.com/podcasts/staff74238 <www.podomatic.com/podcasts/staff74238> Attitude with Arnie Arnesen, Sara Pereschino, tweet, guns, children, Rutgers, Professor Mark Paul, Economic Rights, Supreme Court, EPA, Sackett, Clean Water Act, wetlands, Professor Albert Lin, U of California Davis, Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh, Kagan