March 3, 2025

[image: image.png] Poem by Lyn Ekedahl — *Stay in the Race* Stay in the race, oh Nikki, please, And the Donald poke and tease. You know how he reacts to pokes. He can’t absorb like other folks… part one: Counterpunch national security writer Mel Goodman Why Are Our Regional Experts Expecting More War in Every Corner? <> part two: Mark Joseph Stern senior writer at Oregon Republicans Bet It All on a Constitutional Loophole. They Just Lost Big-Time. A State Supreme Court Just Issued the Most Devastating Rebuke of *Dobbs* Yet Listen online at Listen anytime to the podcast at <> Attitude with Arnie Arnesen, Lyn Ekedahl, poem, Nikki Haley, Donald Trump, Mel Goodman, War, Ukraine, China, North Korea, Gaza, Iran, Iraq, US, Mark Stern, Slate, ERA, Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Dobbs, sex discrimination, abortion, Oregon, Republicans, re election, constitutional amendent, Oregon Supreme Court