February 23, 2025

[image: image.png] Political Poet Lyn Ekedahl Accountability for Sleaze rethink the week talkers:
*Stephen Pimpare *is Professor of Public Policy at Vermont Law and Graduate School
*Anne Nelson** is the author of *Shadow Network: Money, Media, and the Secret Hub of the Radical Right . Her book served as the basis for the new documentary, Bad Faith: Christian Nationalism’s Unholy War on Democracy, streaming now on YouTube and Amazon Prime.
*Lincoln Mitchell* teaches political science and public policy at Columbia University.
transgender athletes
May 17th is Norway’s Constitution Day…they celebrate the children
extreme weather
Gov. Abbott pardons a white murderer …of course
Trump’s deportation plan…unworkable and inhumane
Maryland’s primary…pissing money away — Listen online at www.wnhnfm.org/live Listen anytime to the podcast at www.podomatic.com/podcasts/staff74238 <www.podomatic.com/podcasts/staff74238> podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/attitude-with-arnie-arnesen/id1634055179 Attitude with Arnie Arnesen,Lyn Ekedahl, poet, Stephen Pimpare, Anne Nelson, Lincoln Mitchell, transgender athletes, Norway, Constitution Day, Speaker Johnson, Gov. Abbott, pardons killer,deportation, Trump, Maryland senate race, UAW vote (they lost) *KEEPING THE POT STIRRED SO SCUM DOESN’T RISE TO THE TOP* – Anonymous
*D. ARNIE ARNESEN* 15 Rumford Street Concord NH 03301 nharnie@gmail.com (C) 603-321-7654
*Host of “The Attitude with Arnie Arnesen”* *Award Winning Public Affairs Show (NHAB 2018)* *airs noon to 1pm and 7pm EST M-F at 94.7FM (concord nh)* Home Station – wnhnfm.org Part of the Pacifica Network go to wnhnfm.org for streaming live Podcasts available here: www.wnhnfm.org/category/attitude-3/
*Arnie on the Air* Boston, MA-WGBH Under the Radar/Sunday Nights Keene, NH-WKBK Friday Morning with Dan Mitchell