February 22, 2025

[image: image.png] June 3 2009…NH Gov. Lynch personally opposed gay marriage but signed gay marriage law because he decided to view the issue “through a broader lens ” UNLIKE OUR Supreme Court “Throughout history, our society’s views of civil rights have constantly evolved and expanded,” Lynch told reporters. “New Hampshire’s great tradition has always been to come down on the side of individual liberties and protections. part one: Isaac Kamola Director, Center for the Defense of Academic Isaac shares his white paper that examines the dark money funded think tanks playing an instrumental role in the relentless attacks on academic freedom and higher education, in Florida, Texas, North Carolina, and around the country. Part two: Jeet Heer is a national affairs correspondent for *The Nation* Saudi Arabia’s September 11 Connection and the Contradictions of American Foreign Policy How the state that aided terrorism on US soil has become an indispensable ally that the Biden administration is determined to placate at all costs Listen anytime to the podcast at www.podomatic.com/podcasts/staff74238 <www.podomatic.com/podcasts/staff74238> podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/attitude-with-arnie-arnesen/id1634055179 Attitude with Arnie Arnesen, Pride Month, NH, gay marriage, John Lynch, Isaac Kamola, Center for the Defense of Academic Freedom, culture war, higher ed, Jeet Heer, The Nation, Saudi Arabia, US, Israel, Sept 11 *KEEPING THE POT STIRRED SO SCUM DOESN’T RISE TO THE TOP* – Anonymous
*D. ARNIE ARNESEN* 15 Rumford Street Concord NH 03301 nharnie@gmail.com (C) 603-321-7654
*Host of “The Attitude with Arnie Arnesen”* *Award Winning Public Affairs Show (NHAB 2018)* *airs noon to 1pm and 7pm EST M-F at 94.7FM (concord nh)* Home Station – wnhnfm.org Part of the Pacifica Network go to wnhnfm.org for streaming live Podcasts available here: www.wnhnfm.org/category/attitude-3/
*Arnie on the Air* Boston, MA-WGBH Under the Radar/Sunday Nights Keene, NH-WKBK Friday Morning with Dan Mitchell