February 23, 2025

[image: image.png] *Disneyland’s First Pride Night Was the Happiest Place on Earth* *Part One: *Scott Braddock, editor of the Quorum Report the AG Paxton impeachment rules have been set by the TX state senate Former TX Congressman Will Hurd announces run for President Part Two: Bill Curry Lawyer, former politician and political commentator Professor Robert Hockett Cornell Law School and School of Public Policy topics: Dobb’s decision is killing women Leonard Leo and the corruption of the US Supreme Court DeSantis’ anti-immigrant laws Alito and Thomas may be losing their fellow conservatives on the bench Biden and Xi the challenge of relations with China listen online at www.wnhnfm.org/live Listen anytime to the podcast at www.podomatic.com/podcasts/staff74238 <www.podomatic.com/podcasts/staff74238> Attitude with Arnie Arnesen, pride, Disney, Scott Braddock, The Quorum Report, Texas, impeachment, Paxton, Texas State Senate, Will Hurd, candidate for President,Bill Curry, Professor Robert Hockett, Dobbs, maternal health, OB GYNs, Supreme Court, corruption, Leonard Leo, Alito, Singer, Thomas, ethics, Xi, China, Biden