February 22, 2025

[image: image.png] Democracy is incompatible with class-divided economic systems. Masters rule in slavery, lords in feudalism, and employers in capitalism. Whatever forms of government (including representative-electoral) coexist with class-divided economic systems, the hard reality is that one class rules the other. The revolutionaries who overthrew other systems to establish capitalism sometimes meant and intended to install a real democracy, but that did not happen. Real democracy—one person, one vote, full participation, and majority rule—would have enabled larger employee classes to rule smaller capitalist classes. Instead, capitalist employers used their economic positions (hiring/firing employees, selling outputs, receiving/distributing profits) to preclude real democracy. What democracy did survive was merely formal. In place of real democracy, capitalists used their wealth and power to secure capitalist class rule. They did that first and foremost inside capitalist enterprises where employers functioned as autocrats unaccountable to the mass of their employees. From that base, employers as a class purchased or otherwise dominated politics via electoral or other systems. ..The answer lies in the employer-employee relationship. *By Richard D. Wolff, professor of economics emeritus at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst,* Part One: Scott Bradock, editor of the Quorum Report *topics:* *Texas is introducing legislation to ban all polling places on college campuses* *-Another special session ends with Gov. Abbott bitter and angry that his priority of school vouchers did not pass into law * *-Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick says it would have been fine to pass a teacher pay increase without school vouchers (because Dan is good at this and Abbott is not) * -Texas woman asks court’s permission for abortion because of pregnancy complications Part two: Bill Curry an American lawyer and politician Laura Jedeed is a freelance journalist topics: Trump ‘dictator’ comment reignites criticism his camp has tried to curb. Liz Cheney reminds us of the stakes Florida GOP Chair Accused of Rape Instructed Moms for Liberty: ‘Apologizing Makes You Weak’
Vivek Ramaswamy Falsely Claims Jan. 6 Attack Was ‘An Inside Job’
Chris Christie Savages Vivek Ramaswamy as ‘Obnoxious Blowhard’
The GOP Debate’s Circular Firing Squad Made Them All Look Silly Listen online at www.wnhnfm.org/live Listen anytime to the podcast at www.podomatic.com/podcasts/staff74238 <www.podomatic.com/podcasts/staff74238> Attitude with Arnie Arnesen,Richard Wolff, Capitalism, Democracy,Scott Braddock, The Quorum Report, voting, polling places, Texas college campus, Abbott, Voucher, Dan Patrick, Debate, the border, drill baby drill, Laura Jedeed, Bill Curry, dictator, Liz Cheney,Moms for Liberty, Zeiglers, DeSantas, GOP Presidential Debate, Nikki, Christie, Vivek