March 5, 2025

Bobby Dee’s Rock & Roll Caravan

Bobby Dee began his career in broadcasting in the 1950s as a DJ, radio personality, record collector and dealer. His love of the oldies encouraged him to write newspaper columns about “Moments in Rock N Roll History,” which were published in several New Hampshire newspapers. Besides his weekly radio show and columns, Bobby has opened a shop at 132 Main St. in Pembroke, NH, where he has a display of thousands of oldies records and paraphernalia as well as vintage audio equipment.

To update and blend the proper mix of oldies from all eras of rock n’ roll, Bobby enlisted the help of top radio producer Steve McQuen, who volunteered to help usher the Caravan show into the digital age. You can now hear him on WNHN-FM on Saturday evenings from 8 to 10 PM.

You can reach Bobby by calling (603)289-2688, or by emailing him at

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