March 4, 2025

The Other w/Fred Doe

Fred Doe covers the gamut of vintage music, from blues, country, R&B to rock, but starts from the roots, rather than the usual popular derivatives, while adding a little history and context. Saturday nights 10-11pm with replays on Tuesdays at 9 pm on WNHN-LP 94.7 FM Concord, NH.

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Reference list for 2017 Podcasts
Remakes Vol 1OFD_20170107.mp3
Blues History (1 of 4) – The Early YearsOFD_20170114.mp3
Blues History (2 of 4) – The DeltaOFD_20170121.mp3
Blues History (3 of 4) – Texas & LouisianaOFD_20170128.mp3
Blues History (4 of 4) – ChicagoOFD_20170204.mp3
Remakes Vol 2OFD_20170211.mp3
Beatle Roots (1 of 3)OFD_20170218.mp3
Beatle Roots (2 of 3)OFD_20170225.mp3
Beatle Roots (3 of 3)OFD_20170304.mp3
Remakes Vol 3OFD_20170311.mp3
Country Music History (1 of 5) The Early DaysOFD_20170318.mp3
Country Music History (2 of 5) Bluegrass, Swing & BoogieOFD_20170325.mp3
Country Music History (3 of 5) Honky TonkOFD_20170401.mp3
Country Music History (4 of 5) RockabillyOFD_20170408.mp3
Country Music History (5 of 5) The 1960’sOFD_20170415.mp3
Remakes Vol 4OFD_20170422.mp3
Vintage R&B (1 of 4)OFD_20170429.mp3
Vintage R&B (2 of 4)OFD_20170506.mp3
Vintage R&B (3 of 4)OFD_20170513.mp3
Vintage R&B (4 of 4)OFD_20170520.mp3
Remakes Vol 5OFD_20170603.mp3
Marriage Minded MusicOFD_20170603.mp3
Vintage R&R (1 of 3)OFD_20170603.mp3
Vintage R&R (2 of 3)OFD_20170603.mp3
Vintage R&R (3 of 3)OFD_20170701.mp3
Garage Bands 1965-67OFD_20170708.mp3
Remakes Vol 6OFD_20170715.mp3
Instrumentals (1 of 2)OFD_20170722.mp3
Instrumentals (2 of 2)OFD_20170729.mp3
Beatles Live (1 of 3)OFD_20170805.mp3
Beatles Live (2 of 3)OFD_20170812.mp3
Beatles Live (3 of 3)OFD_20170819.mp3
Remakes Vol 7OFD_20170826.mp3
Bio: RockaBettyOFD_20170902.mp3
Bio: Buddy HollyOFD_20170909.mp3
Blues60sUK1 – British InvasionOFD_20170916.mp3
Blues60sUK2 – Post InvasionOFD_20170923.mp3
Historic Album: Fathers and Sons (1969)OFD_20171007.mp3
Remakes Vol 8OFD_20171014.mp3
Occupy Tin Pan Alley (1 of 4)OFD_20171021.mp3
Occupy Tin Pan Alley (2 of 4)OFD_20171028.mp3
Occupy Tin Pan Alley (3 of 4)OFD_20171104.mp3
Occupy Tin Pan Alley (4 of 4)OFD_20171111.mp3
Remakes Vol 9OFD_20171118.mp3
Pre-Pet Brian WilsonOFD_20171125.mp3
Louie Louie DeluxOFD_20171202.mp3
Beatles 4 Unreleased and LiveOFD_20171209.mp3
Remakes Vol 10OFD_20171216.mp3
Bride of Blues/Jazz/Rock xmasOFD_20171223.mp3
Beatles Fan Club xmasOFD_20171230.mp3