February 23, 2025

Arnie Alpert and Maggie Fogarty of the American Friends Service Committee/New Hampshire bring you the radio version of their weekly State House Watch newsletter. Their guest this week is Kevin Landrigan of the New Hampshire Union Leader, discussing the state  budget process and other matters.

Uphaus redux; House budget redux; Senate now working on budget; SB7, food stamps in HHS committee; SB247 lead poisoning; SB193 education vouchers; Sanctuary; Passover music -Go Down Moses, Framix-; Kevin Landrigan; history of budget impass; 1997; Sen. Daniels, senate finance; Bill O’Brien;’ Neil Kurk; Trailer bill; Back-of-the-budget cuts; -Wade in the Water, The Staples Singers-; Sanctuary; Rev Joe Gurdak, St. Augustin; Bishop Libasci; Eva Castillo; Support through actions; What will ICE do?; SB193 school vouchers now in the House; Edelblut; religious provision; future court case?; who does it help?; financial impact to schools; State Board of Education; Medicaid; Insurance mandates; Events: Voices of Faith; Tax Day rallies; NH Peace Action; Science rally; Climate rally.