February 11, 2025

Arnie Alpert and Maggie Fogarty of the American Friends’ Service Committee – New Hampshire (www.afsc.org/nh) review this week’s status of many bills in the NH State House and talk poverty in NH with Beth Mattingly of the UNH Carsey School (carsey.unh.edu) and climate justice with Basav Sen of the Institute for Policy Studies (www.ips-dc.org).

poor peoples’ campaign (poorpeoplescampaign.org); training, civil disobedience; HB 1319 transgender; – Liam Magan clip – ; death penalty repeal; SB 525 adult education for immigrants; SB 313 medicaid expansion; SB 193 school vouchers; House and Senate sessions on Thursday; – “The Ghost of Tom Joad”, Bruce Springsteen – ; Beth Mattingly, Vulnerable Families Research Director, UNH Carsey School; earned income tax credit; housing, seasonal, zoning; affordable housing fund; federal housing assistance, long wait times; SB 557 housing appeals; unanticipated consequences; matrix of remedies; child care; – “Sunset on Louisanne”, Hart Rouge – ; Basav Sen, Institute for Policy Studies; “Souls of Poor Folk” audit; study of linked issues; poverty, inequality, … , climate justice; power elite; wealth gap; net worth; access to necessities; policy driven moral crisis; climate change, denial, market forces; water, pollution as privatization; drought/flood; SHW announcements, immigration, taxes to the military, 4/20 rallies, Earth Day.