March 9, 2025

Arnie Alpert and Maggie Fogarty of the American Friends Service Committee, New Hampshire discuss the latest post-crossover legislative activities and also recognize the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s final speeches in Memphis, TN on the occasion of the sanitation workers’ strike, just before MLK’s assassination, and they look ahead to the New Poor Peoples’ Campaign; Dr. Annelise Orleck, and Rev. Liz Theoharis are interviewed.

Legislature looks to May 24 to wrap up; SB193 school so called choice; SB 318, labor; SB 313, expanded medicaid; SB 525, adult learning centers, Education committee, Sanborn complains about citizen participation, voices of Judy Elliott, Dan Feltes, Sue Corby; – “Down on the Merrimack River”, Si Kahn – ; MLK, “All Labor has Dignity”; Labor law attempts to catch up with types of work not formerly covered; Dr. Annelise Orleck, author of “We Are All Fast Food Workers Now”; 50% of employed people live in poverty; Labor slid back 100 years; Mill girls demanded a 10 hour day; flash strikes; social media; organizing; $19.00/hr; Migrant Justice; Worker Led Social Responsibility; dairy workers; Farm Labor Organizing Committee; Campbell’s Soup; electronics, cotton, blueberries, academia, brands;  where to get the book; National Poor Peoples’ Campaign; Poor Peoples’ Audit; international connections; Rev. Liz Theodoris, Non Violent Organization for Direct Action; nationalize state based movements; 3 tripartite evils, and more; The Souls of Poor Folk Audit; “Yes” to nonviolent change; April 14th Brookside Church; AFSC co-sponsor; April 4 11AM St. Paul’s Church, Concord; SHW announcements; – “Precious Lord Take My Hand”, Mavis Staples -.