February 22, 2025

Maggie Fogarty and Arnie Alpert of the American Friends’ Service Committee – NH are on the radio this week with “Follow The Money”. Open Democracy‘s Olivia Zink catches us up on campaign finance, lobbying, redistricting, and so forth.

HB397 drivers licensing; SB10 minimum wage; May Day; school funding; capital gains – Rep. Richard Ames – ; taxes; secure psychiatric unit, request for information, private prison interests; HB406 public sector workplace safety – Samantha Wooten – , Workers’ Memorial Day; Earth Day; – “Garbage”, Pete Seeger;  Olivia Zink, 32 big pharma lobbyists are working Concord, lobbyist requirements, utility lobbyists, records at Secretary of State

Election system regulations, 591 families as contributors, public funding models, CACR9, HB706, SB8; – “Follow the Money”, Magpie – ; SB106 disclosure,; – NH Youth Movement>>Beto – ; Democracy in Chains, Nancy MacLean; Rights and Democracy;