February 22, 2025

Maggie Fogarty and guest co-host Susan Bruce of the American Friends’ Service Committee’s State House Watch newsletter bring you the radio version, with a program focusing on education issues with freshman representative Art Ellison.

Governor’s budget address; NH Legal Assistance; diversity and inclusion; House & Senate Finance hearings with agency heads; SB1 Family and Medical Leave; HB712; NH-VT private option; worker protections; legislature as a public employer; HB455 death penalty repeal; minimum wage; – Pete Seeger, “Or Else” – ; Rep. Art Ellison; adult education; is ‘at will’ learning; literacy; ESL; Highland Center adult training, Tennessee; policy and politics since 1976; campaign and freshman rep experience; lobbying and mass emails; House Education Committee, scope of bills; guns in schools bills; finance bills; stabilization grants; adequacy definition & formula; 50th place; 4 funding bills, to be consolidated; – Sam Cooke, “Don’t Know Much About History” – ; define adequacy; $3460 > $10,000; adjustments per district; freezes to stabilization grant annual cuts; building aid in Finance II; local option or statewide no guns in schools bills; out-of-district placements; HB 455;