February 22, 2025


Arnie Alpert and Maggie Fogarty of AFSC-NH spend the hour with the American Civil Liberties Union of New Hampshire.
Arnie Alpert Action Fund
SB410 and related minimum wage bill
Public sector health and safety
“Right to Work: anti-union bill
UNH union-busting, hired consultants
Governor will give “State of the State” address while state workers remain without a contract.
Sen. Melanie Levesque MLK observance and Rev. Renee Rouse, “Lift Every Voice”
Jeannie Hruska of ACLU-NH
and Joseph Lascaze, Smart Justice Organizer of ACLU-NH
Fair Chance Hiring, “Ban the Box”
ACLU’s broad legislative agenda for civil rights and criminal justice reform.
ACLU newsletter
Smart Justice Agenda – re: mass incarceration and other issues
RCC: prison resident communication committees
Get administration to focus on rehabilitation
Direct advocacy, with legislature, with public
Connect former inmates with legislators
HB1611, suspended sentences
Truth in sentencing
drug sentencing
Felon’s voting rights, absentee ballots for some inmates
Voter suppression, HB1264
Freedom of Speech/flag burning, wearing a mask, facial recognition
When is a constitutional amendment unconstitutional?
– “Somebody’s Watching Me” – Rockwell, 1984
Reproductive rights are privacy rights, out-of-state agenda, medical testimony
Trans student athletes, non-binary recognition, LGBTQ, Rep. Cannon’s bill.
ACLU Voter Program
Advocacy academies/voter rights
Civil liberties and the presidency fora
Voter eligibility

League of Women Voters
Closing announcements