February 22, 2025

Arnie Alpert and Maggie Fogarty of the American Friends’ Service Committee, with offices overlooking the State House, invited two of the newest and youngest State Representatives to join in on State House Watch today, one of them, Safiya Wazir, the representative of the Concord, NH district where the radio station is located, and Cassandra Levesque from Barrington.


Topics: committee of conference week at the Legislature, budget negotiations ongoing, veto to come?, continuing resolution?; SB10 minimum wage; redistricting; SB5 medicaid reimbursements; retained bills; – “Our Town”, Iris Dement – ; introduction of the two guests; how are new reps welcomed into the house?; orientation and behind the scenes at the state house; people watching and listening, talkative and passionate people; child care for candidates, reps, house staff; the Young Democratic Caucus; marriage at age 18; HB186 minimum wage; – “It’s You I’m Talkin’ To”, Bob Marley – ; death penalty repeal veto override, Rep. Wazir’s statement; Child and Family Law Committee, disabilities, DCYF, pay rates; come out and tell your stories; new bills next year?; tabled bills?; AFSC announcements.