January 23, 2025

For this last of the season State House Watch radio show, Maggie Fogarty and Arnie Alpert of New Hampshire’s American Friends’ Service Committee (www.afsc.org/nh) are joined by Louise Spencer, co-founder of the Kent Street Coalition (http://www.kentstreetcoalition.org/) and her 2 interns, for a review of the legislative year at the State House in Concord. (https://www.nh.gov/index.htm)

death penalty bill; security deposits; SNAP benefit requirements, legislators get to hear stories from constituents; adult education restrictions; Voices of Faith; Poor Peoples’ Campaign; a movement of movements; – “Have You Been to Jail for Justice?”, Anne Feeney – ; Louise Spencer, Kent St. Coalition; progressive grass roots; visibility; strategy; public education, narrow defeat of voucher bill; voting rights; Ballot Law Commission report; Crosscheck; voting rights court cases; – “It Isn’t Nice”, “God Bless the Grass”, Malvina Reynolds – ; KSC interns Bella Hoang and Caleb Richmond; State House hallway experience; more end of year wrapup; lead bill; family and medical leave; budget votes.