February 23, 2025

Arnie Alpert and Maggie Fogarty of the American Friends Service Committee-New Hampshire are back in the studio with State House Watch, with Rep. Dick Ames as their in-studio guest, and featuring a recorded interview with the ACLU-NH’s Devon Chaffee.

State Legislature beginning to wrap up heading for June 22 final votes; retained and re-referred bills; SB3; marijuana; capital budget, affordable housing trust fund; “Where the Guns Are”; immigrants and ICE, vigil and petition (https://action.groundswell-mvmt.org/petitions/tell-ice-keep-indonesian-families-together?time=1495808762);  – “There is a Wall” – Charlie King -;Jericho wall; Rep. Dick Ames, deputy ranking member, Ways and Means,  “Remember the Ladies”, mental health, children and youth, committee of conference, history of house budget, how Senate worked on budget, revenue estimates and guesstimates, voodoo economics, fair and adequate revenue; – “All You Fascists Bound to Lose” – Billy Bragg and Wilco -; Devon Chaffee interview, SB3 elections, SB66 fetal personhood, HB640 marijuana, debtor prison; announcements.