February 22, 2025

Arnie Alpert and Maggie Fogarty of New Hampshire American Friends’ Service Committee are back together again after their vacations and have a lot to talk about from the State House. Jeanne Hruska and Palana Belken are here from ACLU-NH to help them out.

death penalty repeal, veto proof vote in House, now on to Senate, notable statements from Sophia Wazir and Dave Welch, – Renny Cushing statement – some history of repeal movement; SB 10 minimum wage discussion, – Donna Soucy statement – multiple bills, low pay leads to state subsidizing employers, “Raise Up NH”, – John Gregory Davis statement – all lives matter, wages and housing; non-citizen driver’s license; state budget public hearings; Trump budget (social cuts and military increases); – Wake Up, The Neville Brothers – ; American Civil Liberties Union – New Hampshire: Jeanne Hruska and Palana Belken; transgender and LGBTQ program, 3 or 4 trans bills in State House, amending personal documents, gender marker “X”, HB669; Governor’s Advisory Council on Diversity and Inclusion, follow-on cleanup of state laws, student bias and discrimination; transportation as a right; smart justice campaign, post-incarceration re-entry, Fair Chance Hiring, Senate Commerce, opiod collateral consequences, housing and employment; marijuana and mass incarceration, legalization from a racial justice point of view; ACLU Voter Plan, civil liberties in presidential campaign, letting candidates know what NH is thinking; SHW announcements…upcoming Pete Seeger celebration, stay tuned.