February 22, 2025

Arnie Alpert and Maggie Fogarty of the NH American Friends’ Service Committee dive into the NH Budget and lots of other issues with Rep. Casey Conley from Maggie’s district in Dover, NH.

minimum wage, SB10, HB186, $15. retained; immigrant rights, HB397 driver’s license; state budget, Finance Committee hearings on-the-road, Milford, S. Afonzo; developmental disabilities, legal assistance; – “Polly Ann’s Hammer”, Smithsonian’s “Songs of Our Native Daughters” – ; Rep. Casey Conley, introductions, HB393 child care study, accessible and affordable?, changing stations; family and medical leave, SB1, HB712; Transportation Committee, tugboats, decals, non-binary license; 10 yr highway plan & public transportation are in another committee, rail study?, big funding hole; – “Six Days on the Road”, – Taj Mahal – ;  driver license citizenship indicator rejected, driver lic. social security requirement rejection?; Young Dems, priority list, NH Youth Movement, higher ed funding, adequacy; one-time state income vs. reliable income; Dover teachers and Portsmouth students actions; voting rights for felons, barriers to serving in Concord, child care; gun safety, 7 day wait; marijuana (veto proof?). – SHW announcements –