February 22, 2025

Arnie Alpert of the American Friends’ Service Committee is back from vacation, but not Maggie, so writer, researcher and twitterer Susan Bruce has a return engagement as celebrity guest co-host. Their guest is Concord, NH Rep. Kris Schultz, of the NH House Progressive Caucus.

death penalty repeal; in House on Thursday; last week in the House: HB712 Family Medical Leave >Finance; SB1 exec; FML=?income tax?; gun free school zones; when can veto override occur? (history – right to work); sanctuary cities, SB317, Guida amendment; minimum wage exec on Wednesday, SB10 Senate Commerce on Tuesday; – Randy Newman, ‘Mr. President, Have Pity on the Working Man’ – Kris Schultz, Merrimack 18 NH State Rep.: running for office, EDA committee, House Progressive Caucus; animal rights, economic justice, human rights, sound government; minimum wage bills, the percolator approach, jobs with dignity, housing costs, limits of the life of a retail worker, HB731, Raise Up NH, Governor’s intentions? (603-271-2121), developmental disability assistance rates wage range, wait list; state budget; – Peter Tosh, ‘Legalize It’ – remove marijuana from the drug war; retirees COLA, in Finance I; retained bills, The Bee Bill, Ranked Choice Voting, Indigenous People’s Day; HB623 business profits/interest & dividends; table gaming day; Littleton Pollyanna Day; SHW announcements.