February 23, 2025

Arnie Alpert and Maggie Fogarty of the American Friends’ Service Committee, NH bring us what may be the last of this session’s State House Watch radio shows, stay tuned. Rep. Renny Cushing of Hampton and Sen. Dan Feltes of the greater Concord area talk about the fate of legislative priorities as the session winds up this Wednesday and Thursday.

Poor Peoples’ Campaign; committee of conference reports; SB 593, death penalty
repeal; – “Woke up This Mornin'”, Fannie Lou Hamer – ; Rep. Renny Cushing: death
penalty repeal now up to the Governor; HB 1565; secure phychiatric unit, Butler court
case; – “Go Tell it on the Mountain”, Fannie Lou Hamer – ; Sen. Dan Feltes, SB 556
bail reform & anullment reform; voting suppression; HB 1264 poll tax?, Supreme Court
query; SB 3 court challenge; SB 313 expanded medicaid passage and rulemaking; family and medical leave bill.