February 22, 2025

Maggie Fogarty and Arnie Alpert of the American Friends’ Service Committee – NH with this week’s radio version of their State House Watch newsletter, with their guest Ben Frost of New Hampshire Housing.

affordable housing and The Market; death penalty repeal veto, stories on indepthnh, nh coalition; Senate Finance budget hearings Tuesday and Wednesday, Ways and Means revenue estimates, captial gains?, HB186 minimum wage in senate committee; – “Waist Deep in the Big Muddy”, Pete Seeger – ; Ben Frost, New Hampshire Housing, a public corporation serving the state, lending, section 8 vouchers, tax credits, public policy work in addition to direct services, affordability/availability/economy, workforce housing, policies and support to construction to add to housing opportunities; rental rates rise in all economies; median rents vs. income; public health issue; construction labor shortages, materials costs, tariffs; non-expert local officials/citizen government/NIMBY; – “So Long It’s Been Good To Know You”, Pete Seeger – ; affordable housing fund, revolving loan fund, SB15, long term affordability, RE transfer tax; “affordable” to whom?, HB1 HHS, SB84, funding for homeless; AFSC announcements, Pete Seeger, candidate visits.