February 22, 2025

[image: image.png] The Opioid President by Professor Robert Hockett The Hill 2017 *Donald Trump <thehill.com/people/donald-trump/>might be remembered as the opioid president. There are both obvious and not-so-obvious reasons for saying this. One obvious reason is that an opioid epidemic has come to light during Trump’s time in the White House. Another obvious reason is that Trump attempted to appoint the opioid industry’s best friend <www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2017/10/17/trump-says-drug-czar-nominee-tom-marino-is-withdrawing-after-washington-post60-minutes-investigation/?utm_term=.b740e7dda44a> in Congress, Rep. Tom Marino <marino.house.gov/> (R-Pa.), as director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy <www.whitehouse.gov/ondcp>. Because these obvious reasons for thinking of Trump as the opioid president are well known already, I’ll focus here on a less immediately obvious reason: Trump is a manifestation of the opiate crisis…..* rethink the week talkers: *Anne Nelon* *is the author of *Shadow Network: Money, Media, and the Secret Hub of the Radical Right . Her book served as the basis for the new documentary, Bad Faith: Christian Nationalism’s Unholy War on Democracy *Lincoln Mitchell* teaches political science and public policy at Columbia University. *Stephen Pimpare * is Professor of Public Policy at Vermont Law and Graduate School. *Nitish Pahwa* is an associate business and tech writer for Slate <slate.com/author/nitish-pahwa>, covering topics ranging from social media to the financial industry to climate science to artificial intelligence. topics: Anne Nelson has taken Bad Faith on the road…reactions to White Christian Nationalism in Oklahoma, Nebraska and North Carolina Trump Is Anti-Worker. Trump calls US a ‘garbage can’ How Should Kamala Close? The state of the middle class How Democrats Can Win Back the Young Men They’ve Lost Listen online at www.wnhnfm.org/live Listen anytime to the podcast at www.podomatic.com/podcasts/staff74238 <www.podomatic.com/podcasts/staff74238> podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/attitude-with-arnie-arnesen/id1634055179 tunein.com/podcasts/News–Politics-Podcasts/Attitude-with-Arnie- <tunein.com/podcasts/News–Politics-Podcasts/Attitude-with-Arnie-Arnesen-p1711842/> Arnesen-p1711842/ <tunein.com/podcasts/News–Politics-Podcasts/Attitude-with-Arnie-Arnesen-p1711842/> Attitude with Arnie Arnesen, Listen online at www.wnhnfm.org/live Listen anytime to the podcast at www.podomatic.com/podcasts/staff74238 <www.podomatic.com/podcasts/staff74238> podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/attitude-with-arnie-arnesen/id1634055179 tunein.com/podcasts/News–Politics-Podcasts/Attitude-with-Arnie- <tunein.com/podcasts/News–Politics-Podcasts/Attitude-with-Arnie-Arnesen-p1711842/> Arnesen-p1711842/ <tunein.com/podcasts/News–Politics-Podcasts/Attitude-with-Arnie-Arnesen-p1711842/> Attitude with Arnie Arnesen,The Opiod President, Robert Hockett, Stephen Pimpare, Vermont Law School, Anne Nelson, Lincoln Mitchell, Columbia U, Bad Faith, White Christian Nationalism, Natish Pahwa, Slate, young men, the middle class, Kamala Harris, Donald Trump