Sweet Caroline plays spooky tunes for you. Featuring Louis Armstrong, Eartha Kitt, Bob McFadden,...
[image: image.png] Poem by Calvin Trillon This Ramaswamy fellow in debate Is like that...
[image: image.png] lThis Ramaswamy fellow in debate Is like that kid in school who...
[image: IssueOneElectionOfficialBrainDrain.png] The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for Oct. 19, 2023...
[image: image.png] *I Don’t Like America *June 15, 2021 <johnpavlovitz.com/2021/06/15/> John Pavlovitz <johnpavlovitz.com/author/johndpav/> I...
[image: image.png] *Winnie the Pooh* “Piglet?” said Pooh. “Yes?” said Piglet. “I’m scared,” said...
[image: NC_HB747_749.png] The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for Oct. 17, 2023...
[image: image.png] RFK Jr.’s announces his indep. bid 4 President:Think No Labels 4 the...
[image: SCRacialGerrymandering.png] The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for Oct. 13, 2023...
[image: image.png] tweet by John Fugelsang: Moderate & liberal Muslims, Christians & Jews get...
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