February 5, 2025

Part one:

Wolf Richter at wolfstreet.com writes :
Subprime Spikes Auto Sales, Delinquencies Soar, Industry in Total Denial, Fallout to Hit Main Street

Subprime Spikes Auto Sales, Delinquencies Soar, Industry in Total Denial, Fallout to Hit Main Street

Wolf Richter-In his cynical, tongue-in-cheek manner, he muses on Wolf Street, “where the truth comes home to roost,” about economic, business, and financial issues, Wall Street shenanigans, European entanglements, and other things and debacles, as well as opportunities, that catch his eye in the US, Europe, Japan, and occasionally China.

Part Two:

Liza Mundy, Politico contributing editor:

The Secret History of Women in the Senate

Liza Mundy, is program director at the New America Foundation and the author, most recently, of The Richer Sex: How the New Majority of Female Breadwinners is Transforming Sex, Love, and Family. She lives in Arlington, Virginia, with her husband and two children. At various points she has worked full-time, part-time, all-night, at home, in the office, remotely, in person, on trains, in the car, alone, with other people, in dangerous places, under duress, and while simultaneously making dinner.