February 23, 2025
The Attitude with Arnie Arnesen
streaming live at arniearnesen.org   follow her on twitter @pchowder
The week in rewind…(I am speaking at a funeral today so Nancy Greenwood is sitting in my chair)
SNHU civic scholar and presidential scholar Dean Spiliotes follow him at NHpoliticalcapital.com
Lobbyist and former state legislator Rick Newman
Topics (we won’t get to all of them but check out the links)
Half of GOP no longer opposes gay marriage
Giuliani keeps digging himself deeper and deeper in his anti Obama rant.  Is he helping the GOP
Scott Walker…the piling on begins
rebranding Hillary for 2016
Chris Christie imploding?
Lindsay Graham for President…Sheldon Adelson is writing checks
Walmart to raise wages to $9/hr
Big Business can afford Obamacare
Bernie Sanders makes a hit Iowa
