February 23, 2025

Part One:

Scott Braddock Editor of the Quorum Report, Austin Texas’ political go to. Indictment Watch and all things Texas
FBI raids Texas Secessionist meeting (was Rick Perry chairing it?)
Funding the office of Public Integrity…still a hot potato in Texas
Key Democrat: Nearly a conflict of interest to hold off on funding of corruption watchdog
“Even under the most conservative leadership, i.e. Tom Craddick (as Speaker), we funded the public integrity unit.”  By Scott Braddock guorumreport.com

Part Two:

Steffen Schmidt: Professor of Political Science Iowa State…all things caucus all things politics
Bernie impressive in Iowa, “displaying an effective speech style and natural interactions with the event attendees.This was a better Bernie than I’ve seen before.” [Iowa Starting Line].
Ethics deal between the Clintons and the 2008 Obama transition team “imposed no vetting on donations to the Clinton Foundation by individuals or private companies in the U.S. or abroad” [Politico].
Quinnipiac poll: Walker leads Iowa poll at 25% of likely Republican caucus participants, taking “self-identified ‘very conservative’ and ‘tea party” voters.” Rand Paul second with 13%, then 11% each for Carson and Huckabee and 10 percent for Bush. No other candidate is above 5 percent and 9 percent are undecided” [Quad City Times].
Cuomo wants ethics reform bill to apply only to the legislature, not the governor’s office [Albany Project]
the race for President in Texas?
Solar becoming the cheapest energy source
Re-branding Hillary
ISIS threatened to invade Rome and the Italians responded with funny travel tips
Geography for Dummies: