February 23, 2025
Week in Rewind 
Jeff Feingold editor of the NH Business Review
Political Science Professor Wayne Lesperance New England College
Inequality….from Wall Street bonuses to toilet paper
Bernie Sanders and the problem with money
When the Fed plays with the numbers
Monsanto and Hillary
Big Ag and Big Illness
Ferguson…not even as bad as the surrounding communities
Finland and the concept of “fair” fines
Retirement Accounts NOT
The Republicans are coming The Republicans are coming…to NH
Maureen Dowd on Hillary…ouch!
Links below:
Estimating Burden and Disease Costs of Exposure to Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in the European Union Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Glenn F: “This is an important study showing that Big Ag’s chemicals, especially the endocrine-disrupting type aren’t just making us sick. They’re making the world’s economy sick, too.”
Only 1/4 of investment band revenues comes from activities in the real economy

The rise of luxury toilet paper Washington Post (Dr. Kevin)

All You Need to Know About Income Inequality, in One Comparison New York Times (LR)

Bernie Sanders is increasingly iffy on running for president — and the reason is thoroughly depressing Salon (martha r

Wow!!! The Fed Gives A Giant Fuck You to Working Class Americans!! First Rebuttal (Richard D)



Working Minority Families Are Twice As Likely To Be Low-Income As Whites WSJ Economics

Jerry Crawford, Ready For Hillary adviser and Clinton’s “once and future main man” in Iowa represented Monsanto at his law and lobbying firm, and endorsed an Iowa Republican in 2010 [Alternet]. Well, bipartisanship.

The Democratic bench is stronger than people think: Ron Wyden, Sherrod Brown, Deval Patrick, “Mike” Bloomberg (!), and Amy Klobuchar could all challenge Clinton, at least theoretically [Slate].

“[T]he evidence strongly suggests that Ferguson is not even the worst civil rights offender in St. Louis County and that adjacent towns are also systematically targeting poor and minority citizens for street and traffic stops to rake in fines, criminalizing entire communities in the process” [Op-Ed, New York Times]. In fact, Ferguson could be the healthiest, since they’ve been able to resist.

“A researcher from Rasmussen, which conducted a survey of 2,009 adults, found about 37 percent of [18- to 34-year-olds] find the Internet scary, compared with 23 percent of 35- to 54-year-olds and 23 percent of people 55 and older” [Bloomberg]. And they’re right!

Geography for Dummies:
