March 5, 2025

Part One:
this is an unbelievable story and once again we need to thank the Center for Public Integrity- we chat with Susan Ferris  a prize-winning former foreign correspondent who has been investigating treatment of children by the U.S. justice and immigration system, law enforcement and the school-discipline process.

Virginia tops nation in sending students to cops, courts: Where does your state rank?

By Susan Ferriss


April 10, 2015


Part Two:

Beyond the Keystone Pipeline, bringing the pipeline fight to a neighborhood near you. 

Pipeline issues are popping up all over the US, today we chat with three folks who are fighting the Kinder Morgan pipeline that, if approved, will snake through NY, Connecticut, Massachusetts and NH. The pipeline will funnel up to 2.2 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day from the shale fields of Pennsylvania. 

NED the Northeast Energy Direct, appears to answer the concerns of the CEO of ISO New England when he told reporters that major investments in energy infrastructure are needed to ensure grid reliability in the region. Natural gas pipeline capacity is part of their concern.

An intimate look at the fight against energy giant Kinder Morgan with:

Maryann Harper, an affected landowner living in Rindge NH
David John Moloney a resident of Hollis for 15 years and is a co-founder of NH PLAN (New Hampshire Pipeline Awareness Network) which is part of the StopNED Coalition
Attorney Richard Kanoff, of Burns & Levinson LLP, Boston MA representing PLAN-NE ( in a motion to intervene proceeding 
Geography for Dummies: