February 23, 2025

Part 1: We interview Scott Braddock about the Texas political scene, and how it is likely to change now that the impeachment process is under way. The recent revelations about trump’s approach to Ukraine has made support for impeachment strong. Every Democrat from Texas is for impeachment. It appears that Trump is behaving as though he is more forthcoming. Ironic that it took impeachment discussion for him to take seriously congress’ requests and subpeanas seriously. Republicans rely on stating that what he did is not a crime, as though it is enough to make it proper. Trump feels that if something is done publicly, it is not illegal.
Senator Cruz is trying to rehabilitate his image, because he has expressed a goal o f running for the white House again in 2024.
In Texas, Republicans are busy with infighting, and, unless they are able to regroup, will likely not be able overcome challenges from Democrats in the Texas House. Currently, there is a nine seat margin between Democrats and Republicans in Texas. The LT. Governor is feuding with the NRA and with Empowered Texans, who have supported him in the past. Llt. Gov. Patrick because of his push for some gun control. This is to placate the suburban mothers . There is no session scheduled in the House until 2021.

Part 2: We talk with Paul Steinhauser,who was coming from a breakfast with Corey Booker. Booker has spoken at the NH Democratic Convention. Booker is acknowledged to be a good orator. He has qualified for the next Democratic Debate.
He has spent a lot of time in NH, though his poll numbers are low here. Some issues that are probably holding him back are his stance on the Green New Deal, Climate change, Health care, and others. He is not as far left as the more radical members of his party. Also, he is less extreme in his opinions about Republicans, and wants to work with people, a “love campaign.” This might appeal to the general election voters, and the undecided voters. In NH, about 40% of voters are registered as Independents.
He upcoming election for US Senate will have at least two Republicans running. It is expected that Bill O’Brien (with Cruz’s support), and Corey lLewandowsk (with Trump’s support) will be the Republicans’ nominees.
The specter of the Iowa caucuses overshadowing the NH Primary was discussed, and what effect this will have on the candidates. Warren and Standers are strong here, though Warren is pulling out ahead. Sander seems to be taking NH for granted. While Sanders was very effective in 2016, his ideas are now considered more mainstream.