March 6, 2025

Broadcast notes for April 10 2020 broadcast
Part 1
We talk to Scott Braddock, Editor of the Quorum Report, about the situation in Texas.
The Corona virus is affecting areas of Texas, especially the cities. The urban centers are in line to become like New York. This is primarily due to the confusion from Governor Abbot, who is not a model of leadership. His announcements are confusing and contradictory. The Lt. Governor is a bit better, but while Abbot is talking about sheltering in place, he is also citing many exceptions to the ‘stay at home’ message, mostly around religious observances.
The Lt. Governor has suggested that when people should return to work should be decided by groups of experienced business people, rather than politicians. Mnuchin has suggested returning to work in May 2020. Business has suggested May 2021. Sending people back to work could cause greater harm if it is done too early. And testing should be universal. Currently, less than 1% of the population in the US has been tested, and for Texas, this is probably even a lower percentage, particularly in rural areas.. People should be tested for infection and for antibodies, to discover those who have fought off the virus.
We discussed the need for governors to have opposing party legislators, so that issues could be discussed, modified, and regulations or laws be transparently enacted. The Press is important because it can criticize, and bring issues to the electorate. Those who enforce policies that are enacted are critical. Personnel is policy.
Part 2
We talk with Steffen Schmidt, Iowa State University about his opinions on the current situation. Some news items: 16 million people have filed for jobless benefits. Scientists have determined (by genetic studies) that most of the virus in the US came from Europe, not China. The death rate of the Navajo Nation is staggering, and outpacing the death rate anywhere else. The virus is mostly affecting low-income, minorities, obese individuals. All of these are sociological markers for poverty. Those who suffer most are individuals with obesity and hypertension.
Wisconsin held its primary this week, and despite the efforts of the Governor to delay the primary, or expand the time to submit mailed ballots, the Republican-controlled legislature forced voters to vote in person. In addition, only 5 of 180 polling places were available in Milwaukee County. This forced voters to risk infection in order to vote. The Wisconsin Supreme Court should own the decision if any of the voters fall ill. Any deaths can be attributed to that decision.
Many powerful business people say privately that they do not agree with Trump, but do not push back on his claims and ‘edicts’. They need to understand that he is a coward, and will back down when challenged.
Now that Sanders has suspended his campaign, he and Biden have begun negotiations about what should be in the platform, and what kinds of issues should be stressed during the campaign. They have discussed health care, student loans, infrastructure, income security, and other issues. Steffen believes that the US is a lot like Europe, and the same solutions will not work for every state, so policies may differ. But the important thing is that the Democratic Party should unite, and we need two strong parties in the US. To pull the country out of the problems that have been caused by this enemy, the Corona virus, we need technocrats who understand the problems, and possible solutions, not the Trump sycophants who are incompetent. The current system cannot repair itself, and a new system must be developed.