February 22, 2025

Part 1: Canadians campaign in poetry, govern in prose. Canadian broadcaster and Red Sox fan Steve Paikin discusses Canadian elections, Canadian scandals, the Prime Minister, national liberals and provincial conservatives. The national government, which implemented a carbon tax, and the provincial governments, some of whom have oil and gas to sell, are at odds over environmental policies, pipeline politics. First nations want a say, and it is said that Canada is warming faster than the rest of us.

Part 2: The Century Foundation’s Richard Kahlenberg on community college financial resources. Disparities which begin in public school districts carry over into two year and certificate programs. Students who need extra support the most are in schools with a fraction of the budget per student of high end colleges, which have perhaps more capable students. Community colleges often accept the top 100% of applicants. Community and technical colleges are relatively invisible when it comes to funding and resources. More support resources would measurably enhance outcomes.