February 23, 2025

1. Arnie Arnesen and Scott Braddock, editor of Quorum Report
We discuss the treatment of migrant families being proposed by Trump. Trump wants to be able to hold migrant families for indefinite periods, under very bad conditions. “Cruelty is the point” to discourage migration. Most of those families are coming from Central America, to escape the political failures and gang wars there. The Trump White House is discussing an arrangement with Guatamala that would allow Guratmalans to get farm worker status. In exchange for Guatamala detaining migrants.
With respect to the ICE raids on workplaces, and the detention of workers, interviews with town officials in those locations indicate that these workers were considered ‘good citizens,’ who comprised about 10% of these towns’ residents. They paid local taxes, social security taxes, and supported the local economy. Immigration reform is necessary, but Congress and the White House do nothing for these ‘invisible people.’
In Texas, the County Republicans are calling on Bonner to resign, as a result of the scandal that involves the Empower Texans, a dark money group. The group wants to include the recording made in Bonner’s office in a lawsuit over media credentials for the group , which would have given them the power to sit in the Texas House during discussions of legislation.
Julian Castro has qualified for the third Democrats’ debate , to be held in Houston.
We also had a short discussion of the help that the Danes provided during World War II, especially to Jews. The Danes have been supportive of the US for years, and were helpful during the period after 9/11, when they sent troops to help fight AlQueda.

2. Arnie Arnesen and Paul Steinhauser, Fox News Politics
We discuss the contracting Democratic candidates field: Inslee and Hickenlooper have dropped out. Money is an important reason. Hickenlooper will be running for Senator from Colorado. But he has brought forward the topic of climate change, and has made it an important part of the conversation during the primary debates. Others have also been talking about this, including Steyer. Gillibrand has indicated that she would be open to be a running mate for an eventual candidate. She has been running heavily on her main qualification, that she is a woman. But Stacy Abrams, who is not in the campaign, would be a good candidate for running mate.
We also discuss the Log Cabin Republicans’ endorsement of Trump. Jennifer Horne, a resigned from their board, because o this.
Bill Weld, former governor of Massachusetts, is a declared candidate for the GOP nomination for President, and seems to be pinning his hopes on Independent voters in NH. Possible challengers to Trump also include mark Sandford of SC, and John Kasich of Ohio. Other topics include the voter fraud claims made for 2016, in NH, which seemed to have been originated by Sununu of NH, with no evidence. The Secretary of State of NH admitted that there had not been any substantial voter fraud.