March 6, 2025

Part One:

We speak with Joseph Cabosky, assistant professor of public relations at the University of North Carolina, and Aaron Kall, Dean of Students at the University of Michigan. Their article in The discussed a number of standout quotes from presidential candidates at the New Hampshire Democratic debate last Friday.

They emphasize the importance of economic issues in the 2020 election, and the possible fallout if the Democrats were to nominate a “democratic socialist” at the top of the ticket. They also address the importance of turning out new voters in the presidential election. Iowa was disappointing in that respect, and especially in the failure to turn out more young voters.

Part Two:

We discuss Trump’s new extension of his Muslim Ban with Rowaida Abdelaziz, reporter for HuffPost. By targeting African countries, Trump’s Muslim Ban demonstrates that it’s even more racist than we had previously thought. It’s no coincidence that Trump targeted these nations, especially in light of his comments about Africa (“shithole nations”).

We agree that the Democratic presidential candidates (and the media who interview them) should raise this issue more often, especially Amy Klobuchar who frequently congratulates herself on how much experience she has and how that experience will enable her to be a better president than other candidates. Her state of Minnesota has the highest level of immigrants per capita, and the “otherizing” of immigrants is a major issue in some parts of Amy’s state.