January 17, 2025

We “rethink the week” with Dave Anderson, Professor of political science at Iowa State University, and Stephen Pimpare, Fellow at the Carsey Institute and Professor at UNH Manchester. We discuss the cruel and inhumane treatment of inmates at the federal prison in Brooklyn during the government shutdown, when the prison lost all heat and electricity. We contrasted the media’s lack of coverage of how our society ignores the suffering imposed on large numbers of our fellow human beings (disproportionately black and brown), while cable news gives us 24/7 repetitive coverage of Virginia Gov. Northam’s shameful yearbook picture.

We also discussed our regressive system of taxation while we continue to see growing inequality between the 1% and the rest of us. The American health care system and our failure to resolve the lack of potable water in Flint, Michigan are examples of this inequity.