February 23, 2025

Part One:
We chat with Allan Holmes, head of business & financial reporting at the Center for Public Integrity, about how the Trump tax cuts of 2017 helped the rich get richer. We also discussed how the Republican Congress enacted those tax cuts almost mindlessly, without considering the factual information or the expert analysis necessary to such complex legislation (very different from the Congress’s consideration of Pres. Reagan’s 1986 tax cuts).

Part Two:
We check in with Steffen Schmidt (“Dr. Politics”) from Iowa State University. We discuss what Bernie Sanders’s 2016 campaign contributed to American politics. Sanders changed our political conversation, making many progressive issues acceptable in public debate: Medicare for All, expanding Social Security, tuition-free public colleges, a $15 minimum wage, a guaranteed job, etc.
We also discuss the impact of Trump’s government shutdown on the lives of regular Americans – working people, farmers, and small businesses – and the Republicans’ apparent lack of concern for the devastation to the lives of the 99%.