February 23, 2025

Part 1 This segment is an interview with Scott Braddock. We discuss the 7 people that Pelosi chose for impeachment managers.
The state of politics in Texas, and the local races. A generational shift is occurring, in that younger candidates are stepping forward to replace older candidates.
The governor has said that he doesn’t want to accept any more refugees into Texas (this is refugees from countries at war, etc.) Senator Cornyn did not agree with the governor, and the people of Texas are more receptive to refugees. The governor seems to be trying to find a way to walk back his remarks.
A discussion of free gunlocks that were made available to Texas residents. However, gun rights groups object to residents who in any way are associated with groups that are for gun control in any form.
The recent Blomberg tour of Texas.

Part 2. We discuss and read Wendell Potter’s, his recent article, “How the Health Insurance Industry (and I) invented the ‘Choice’ talking point.”, which was in the New York Times on January 14, 2020. The idea of choice in insurance is a fictional one as applied to current status. If a person has insurance though employment, the employer chooses the company, and chooses the plan, and chooses the deductibles, etc.. So the concept of ‘choice’ in health insurance does not really exist, and should not become one of the talking points adopted by Democratic candidates.
We also read and discuss “Reconciling Dr. King’s 1968 dream and our 2020 nightmare,”